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Last Updated:
Mar 19th, 2010 - 11:39:35 |
It’s Party Time: Let’s Make it Memorable
By D.J. Nelson
Oct 4, 2004, 11:26
Tired of the same old pin the tail on the donkey and piñata? Perhaps you are having a baby shower or celebrating your child’s 5th birthday and you are looking for a fun activity. A scrapbook party may be the way to go.
Here is an idea of how to have a scrapbook party:
• Take a Polaroid or digital picture of each guest when they arrive.
• Continue taking pictures as guests interact with each other.
• Give each person the picture of them self along with another picture from the party.
• Distribute paper, pens, glue, stickers, etc. and allow each guest to construct a scrapbook page.
You can allow the guests to keep the page, or collect all the pages to compile in a scrapbook after the party. Whatever choice you make, it will surely be a memorable party for both you and your guests.
D.J. Nelson is owner and operator of J. Nelson Arts- an online craft supply shop, and Editor of “The Craft Guru”
Online & Print Newsletters. For more information, please visit http://www.JNelsonArts.com and
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