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Last Updated:
Mar 19th, 2010 - 11:39:35 |
Tips for Bread
By Wendy Shepherd
Jan 15, 2007, 20:51
Frozen bread makes the best toast and french toast. You don't need to thaw it. Just dip it in the egg batter and cook.
What do you do when you lose that bread tie on your loaf of bread? Don't panic and look for another one. Just take that plastic bread wrapper and do a twist. To keep it where you want it to be, slip the sleeve backwards over the loaf of bread. (Wendy)
Our toaster has gotten a little "unpredictable" and makes our toast a little bit dark for my child's taste sometimes. I've found that rubbing the two slices together over the trash can will "scrape" it nicely! (Dana)
Hot water kills yeast. It is better to use luke warm water. Test it on your forearm or wrist for warmth. (Lisa)
A fast way to make bread crumbs is to toast the bread and then stick it in the blender. (Wendy)
Use a slice of bread to remove the scorched taste from rice by placing the bread on top of the rice in the pan and putting the lid on for a few minutes.
Bread that will not be used up in a couple of days should be frozen and then thawed a little before the next time you need it.
To make homemade bread have a shiny crust, brush the top with white vinegar a few minutes before removing the bread from the oven.
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