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Last Updated:
Mar 19th, 2010 - 11:39:35 |
Tips for Fruit
By Wendy Shepherd
Jan 29, 2007, 23:35
To see if a pineapple is ripe, try to pull out one of the leaves at the top. If it comes out easy, the pineapple is ripe. The pineapple will also have a golden tone to it if ripe.
Pumpkin seeds can be soaked in the refrigerator over night in salt water and baked the next day. The next day: place the drained seeds on a cookie sheet and bake at 375 for about 45 minutes (check often).
For a great tasting watermelon, hold the melon to your ear and knock on it. The more hallow it sounds, the better it will taste. You may get some strange looks. (Tracy. Y)
Strawberries seem to spoil very quickly. Here is an old tip my mother taught me... Remove the leaves and stem of the berries. Wash and place them in a colander. Pour BOILING water over the strawberries. This will kill the bacteria that molds the berries. Place the strawberries in a plastic container in the refrigerator. They will last twice as long. (Carolyn)
Keep scissors from sticking to dried fruit when you cut it by spraying the scissors with cooking spray. (Amy)
Remove fruit stains from your hands by rubbing them with vinegar. (Sue)
To ripen fruit quickly (such as pears which take a long time to ripen) place the unripe fruit in a paper lunch sack along with a banana. Fold sack closed and check next day or two & fruit will be ripe & ready to eat! Works great. (Teri)
To see if cherries have worms in them... place them in water. If they float they have worms in them. (Jennifer)
Buy fruit in season and can/jar it to use in the winter. Buy fruit before it is ripe and ripen at home in a bowl or in a paper bag.
Slightly bumped or bruised fruit shouldn't be wasted. Put the fruit in a blender with some vanilla yogurt or low fat ice cream, skim milk, crushed ice and a pinch of sugar.
To pick a sweet cantaloupe, look for the one with small, tight netting on the skin and it should smell sweet. If the seeds rattle, it may be overripe.
Use bananas with blackened skin. Peel and freeze them with other ripe fruit. Blend them with some fruit juice to make a slush.
To get more juice from lemons first soak them in hot water for a few seconds. Then roll them before squeezing.
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