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Last Updated:
Mar 19th, 2010 - 11:39:35 |
Tips for Turkey
By Wendy Shepherd
Jan 31, 2007, 15:11
Thaw your turkey in the refrigerator, not on the counter. Room temperature will invite dangerous bacteria to grow.
To make a turkey moist, lightly brush it with canola or olive oil before baking. Then cover with aluminum foil and seal around the edges tightly.
For great flavor, slip spices and herbs underneath the skin, right against the meat of the turkey.
Cover the turkey lightly with foil to keep it from browning too much.
Use an oven roasting bag. That way the oven and the pan stay clean, and cooking time is cut by about one third. The meat also stays very moist.
Stuffing: To remove all of the stuffing from the turkey; place a piece of CHEESE CLOTH inside the turkey before putting in the stuffing. When the turkey is done, just pull out the cheese cloth. Dressing is intact and no more digging. (Phyllis)
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