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Last Updated:
Mar 19th, 2010 - 11:39:35 |
Bathroom Walls
By Wendy Shepherd
Apr 24, 2005, 20:51
Keep a large mop or squeegee just for cleaning walls, ceilings and bathtubs.
Wipe down walls after the bathroom has been steamy to help prevent mildew and mold buildup.
Check wallpaper for wallpaper glue coming apart at the seams.
To remove vinyl wall paper, use a product called DIF along with a "Paper Tiger", both available at paint/hardware stores. Surprisingly easy to remove even if previous paper-hanger didn't prime walls first. (Abby)
Abby suggested DIF a wallpaper stripper. It comes in a concentrate and/or gel form. I pulled the "skin" of the wallpaper off first. Leaving the furry backing/pasted side. I applied the DIF liquid with the roller like it suggested. The Paper scraper and Paper Tiger are great tools. The scraper was designed bigger to prevent hand strain. The paper came off smooth. The residue from the glue came off with a plastic scrubby and warm water. I was able to complete a room in two days. The wall needs some light spackle and then primer and paint. (Trisha)
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