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Last Updated:
Mar 19th, 2010 - 11:39:35 |
Clothing Tip : Stains
Apr 22, 2007, 20:37
If you soak food stained clothing in a mixture of water and automatic dishwashing detergent for about 36 hours, it will remove 99% of the stains... it also works on baby clothes that have had a blow out in them! (1bzldy)
As old as my sons are, they still seem to get grass stains on their jeans. A simple solution to this is... take plain old rubbing alcohol one part (about a 1/4 cup) to two parts water (about a 1/2 cup) and put into a little hand spray bottle. Keep spraying it. You can use an old tooth brush to rub some of it out. Every time the grass stains appear I reach for my old reliable spray bottle to remove the stains. It really works!!! Good Luck. (Carol)
If you want to remove a red wine stain, saturate the stain with white wine. The stain will disappear. Even old stains! (Grenelda)
Try removing blood stains, that have not dried, on clothes or carpet with hydrogen peroxide and a damp cloth. For dried stains, try a mixture of borax and water and let dry then brush off.
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