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Last Updated:
Mar 19th, 2010 - 11:39:35 |
Cleaning Tips
Apr 28, 2007, 21:53
For cleaning kitchen sponges, wash them in the top rack of your dishwasher. Also, to help them stay in place try a clothes-pin. Just remember that they are still going to be full of hot water when you remove them, so please, be careful. (Veronica)
To disinfect your sponges, soak with Isopropyl Alcohol, and let it dry. Be sure to use gloves when doing this. (Teri)
To keep sponges fresh and control bacterial growth, microwave the wet sponge for a minute and thirty seconds every day or so. Be sure to let the sponge cool before you remove it! (Karessa)
If you use sponges or washcloths for your dishes or cleaning, make sure that you either soak them in bleach water or run them through the washing machine often w/bleach to disinfect.
Use washcloths instead of napkins with children, and even with adults for certain messy meals.
Buy the scrubby washcloths, with a washcloth on one side and a scrubby on the other. When dirty, just wash in the dishwasher or washing machine, you'll always have a scrubber.
To aid in washing dishes, add a tablespoon of baking soda to your soapy water. It softens hands while cutting through grease! (Amy)
To keep dishes on the bottom rack of the dishwasher from getting wet during unloading, unload the bottom rack first. (Yvette )
To make rubber gloves slide off easily. Run your hands under COLD water for a while and the gloves slide right off! (Diana)
To make for an easier time removing rubber gloves from your hands, first rub your hands liberally with baby powder or baking soda.
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